Huge Sinclair repository on DVD out now!
(demasiado antiguo para responder)
2011-09-15 17:21:38 UTC
This summer I volunteered to work on a Sinclair related retro
computing DVD
which is out now. The DVD holds searchable PDFs of all issues (15
1996-2011) of QL Today magazine, plus as Bonus Material seven
documentation and picture collections which were previously only
on CD-ROMs or on web picture galleries. Plus there’s a copy (mirror)
of the
biggest QL related website. All in all Gigabytes of information for
you to

Even though the Sinclair QL is the main topic, both the QL Today
magazine and
the Bonus Material cover other Sinclair (ZX) and Retro Computing
aspects as
well. Articles by Rick Dickinson (Sinclair Research Ltd. Industrial
January 1980 - April 1987), Tony Tebby (Sinclair Research Ltd. System
Software Designer 1982-1984, author of Qdos), Simon N Goodwin
his many articles in the 80s computer magazines and software like the
ZIP-compiler for the ZX Spectrum) are just a few hot-spots to name

The DVD is only available together with a one year subscription of the
current volume (4 issues) of the QL Today magazine. The QL Today DVD
and the first issue of volume 16 are ready to ship now
(http://smsq.j-m-s.com/). For more information and subscription
please visit the magazine’s website (http://www.qltoday.com/). There’s
sample issue available as PDF for you to download and try.

Cheers, Urs
QLvsJAGUAR - Much more than retro! - Always remember: QL forever!
QLvsJAGUAR - Much more than retro! - Have you played ATARI today?
Pictures: http://cid-c250d8748980ce5a.photos.live.com/albums.aspx
Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/QLvsJaguar#g/p
Website: http://www.qlvsjaguar.homepage.bluewin.ch
Old school but cool ;-)
2011-10-29 11:04:01 UTC
Post by Urs
This summer I volunteered to work on a Sinclair related retro
computing DVD
which is out now. The DVD holds searchable PDFs of all issues (15
1996-2011) of QL Today magazine, plus as Bonus Material seven
documentation and picture collections which were previously only
on CD-ROMs or on web picture galleries. Plus there’s a copy (mirror)
of the
biggest QL related website. All in all Gigabytes of information for
you to
Even though the Sinclair QL is the main topic, both the QL Today
magazine and
the Bonus Material cover other Sinclair (ZX) and Retro Computing
aspects as
well. Articles by Rick Dickinson (Sinclair Research Ltd. Industrial
January 1980 - April 1987), Tony Tebby (Sinclair Research Ltd. System
Software Designer 1982-1984, author of Qdos), Simon N Goodwin
his many articles in the 80s computer magazines and software like the
ZIP-compiler for the ZX Spectrum) are just a few hot-spots to name
The DVD is only available together with a one year subscription of the
current volume (4 issues) of the QL Today magazine. The QL Today DVD
and the first issue of volume 16 are ready to ship now
(http://smsq.j-m-s.com/). For more information and subscription
please visit the magazine’s website (http://www.qltoday.com/). There’s
sample issue available as PDF for you to download and try.
Cheers, Urs
QLvsJAGUAR - Much more than retro! - Always remember: QL forever!
QLvsJAGUAR - Much more than retro! - Have you played ATARI today?
Videos:  http://www.youtube.com/user/QLvsJaguar#g/p
Website:  http://www.qlvsjaguar.homepage.bluewin.ch
          Old school but cool ;-)
you don't know anything about the mb-02+ and its dma?
you cant get the bbc basic rom from here:


to work as an interface 2 cartridge please?
you dont know anyone witha microdrive to sd/compact flash read&write
i was desperaetly trying to get teh 48 emulator for sam running the
top 32768bytes in external sam 1mb but no joy so far
or get bbc basic rom running in ram/rom area of sam all the best
